Issue 141 (2019)
Issue DOI:
Gorodnia N. Concepts of Patriotism from a Historical Perspective
Istomina A. Tax Authorities in Dnipro-Region Ukraine during the Post-Reform Period: Current Ukrainian Historiography
Kupchyk O. Italy in the Foreign Trade of Soviet Ukraine, 1921-1923
Mammadov Emin Vagif. Underground Burials of the Ancient Mingachevir (Samunis)
Mohylnyi L., Liashchenko O. Socio-political Views of Hrygoryi Holoskevych
Samchuk T. The Literary Interests of St. Vladimir University Students: Poetry (1834-1863)
Starka V. The Daily Life of the Peasantry if Eastern Galicia in 1941-1944
Juodis D. Circumstances of the Unification of Lithuanian Anti-Soviet Partisans during 1946-1949
Jarak M. On the History of Byzantine Dalmatia in View of Early Medieval Church Architecture
Yashchuk O. The Idea of the Gaining and Deprivation of the Supreme Authority in the Belarusian-Lithuanian Chronicles
Orlyk V., Pasichnyk N. A Worthy Progress of Development during the Century through the Eyes of Contemporaries: Reviews of Jubilee Editions of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Makarevych A., Okhrimenko O. Oriental Studies Seminar in Bogdan and Varvara Khanenko Museum of Art
Okhrimenko O. Scientific and Practical Seminar on Fragmentology