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O. Panchuk, Senior Assistant

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The aim of the paper is to analyze the activities of Professor of the Kyiv Theological Academy, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine N. I. Petrov on the organization of collections of the Kyiv Church Archaeological Museum. On the basis of archival materials and publications of contemporaries, the role of a scientist in the promotion of donors is determined. They consisted of written gratitude, publication of information about them in printed publications, reports at meetings of the Church and Archaeological Society, personal meetings with mecenats, consultations with reputable scholars and officials. It was established that during the first stage of the company's activity and the museum, the entire process of the museum's assembly was under Petrov 's control. It was found out that at this stage the scientist acquired the necessary experience in organizing the museum business. The scientist acquired at this stage the necessary experience in organizing the museum business. This is especially evident in his efforts to organize personal collections of Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin), Archbishop Modest (Strelbitsky), writer and traveler A. Muravjov. At the second stage of the existence of a society and a museum, the role of Petrov became even more significant. This is especially evident in his efforts to organize the collections of Bishop Porphyry (Uspensky), Prince of San Domingo (P. Demidov), Mecenat M. Leopardov. Understanding and inclusion in the museum space of these collections significantly influenced the improvement of the museum's exposition scheme and concept. Work on attracting collections has slowed down in the third stage. N. I. Petrov focuses on the improvement of existing collections, their descriptions and conservation.

Keywords: N. I. Petrov, Church Archaeological Museums, Kyiv Theological Academy, museology, collections.

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