A. Kotsur, Dr. habil. (History), Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2640.2019.140.7


The article deals with Yevgeniy Vikentiyovych Cherezov, the most important milestones of his life, with his scientific and pedagogical activity as well-known Ukrainian Egyptian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, long time head of the Department of History of the Ancient World and Middle Ages of Chernivtsi University. The focus is on poorly researched pages of biography of a scientist and teacher. Separately are analyzed his scientific works, in particular, concerning Ancient Egypt. The scientist’s publication has been characterized the problems of decoding of Egyptian hieroglyphs on sphinxes; land relations; the situation of ancient Egyptian slaves and various categories of peasants; tax system; the classification and description of agricultural tools of Ancient Egypt; development of fisheries; economy and state system of the period of the Ancient kingdom and others like that. The article focuses on the monograph by Ye. Cherezov "Agriculture Engineering in Ancient Egypt". An assessment is given on the scientific heritage of the prominent Ukrainian Egyptologist.

Key words: Egyptologist, Ye. Cherezov, Chernivtsi University, Ancient Egypt, agricultural technology.


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