
Editorial Board


V. Liulka, PhD Student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article is dedicated to the discussion questions of theoretical aspects of Muslim migration to the countries, where the Islam has no position of dominant religion. The interest to this problem increased because of growth of the Muslim population and the expansion of Muslim migration. The terminological aspects of the term “hegira” (“hijra”) is analysed in Arabic and Ukrainian languages; the meaning of the term in linguistic and Sharia law is separated. The historical retrospective of migration practice of the first Muslims is traced by the author on the evidence of Quran and Sunnah. In particular, the author analysed the resettlement of Muslims to Ethiopia and the migration from Mecca to Medina. The causes of migration, it’s process and aftermath for the Muslim doctrine are considered in the article. The views of the modern Muslim theologists on the Muslim migration waves to the Western countries after the Arab-Israeli conflicts and the crisis of Syria are compared.

Key words: Islam, Muslims, hegira, hijra, refugees, migration.

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