
Editorial Board


S. Voloshchenko, historian

Museum of Old Ukrainian Book

Borys Voznytskyi National Art Gallery of Lviv



The principles of scientific attribution of liturgical cyrillic manuscripts, which has been worked out by author, are examined. The thorough study of Jerusalem Ecclesiastic Typikon from the rare books and manuscripts department’s collection of Maksymovych Scientific Library of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is conducted. The stages of manuscript attribution are analyzed, including the date identification and localization of its origins and use.

The type and the title of the codex have been identificated by the analysis of book’s texts. The linguistic variant of Church Slavonic language, used for re-writing the copy, is revealed, which has helped to localize the place of creation. Detailed watermark analysis of paper, which the copy had been made of, has allowed to estimate date range of its production. The problematic ascertainment of the date of creation has been also supported by the analysis of the textual sources, studying of palaeographic peculiarities of cyrillic script book, the inner book’s decorative features. The problem of binding production date, its construction, materials and design, is formulated. The state of preservation of manuscript is analysed, which led the author to understanding the extent of book’s relevance for its readers. The history of manuscript restoration and its stages have been studied. The places of use and migration of the copy are revealed on the basis of provenance examination up till its arrival to Maksymovych Scientific Library’s rare books collection.

Key words: Jerusalem Ecclesiastic Typikon, manuscript, Cyrillic manuscript, attribution, codicology, Maksymovych Scientific Library of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

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