
Editorial Board


A. Kosau, PhD in History, Associate Professor

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, Vitebsk, Belarus



The problems of Russian-US relations during the second Vladimir Putin presidency are considered in the article. The author is analyzed the main directions of cooperation and rivalry between Moscow and Washington in 2004–2008. He is paid special attention to Russian and American approaches to combating international terrorism, solving strategic security problems and issues of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). In addition, the author is shown a different vision of the new world order by Russia and the United States, American interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation and Moscow’s response, geopolitical rivalry between the two powers in the post-Soviet space. It was concluded that during the second Vladimir Putin presidency in Russian-US relations, cooperation between the two powers in important areas of world politics and international security began to give way to confrontation. The main reason for this deterioration was the conceptual divergence between Moscow and Washington regarding virtually the entire agenda of their relations – from the creation of the new world order to the political development of the post-Soviet space and Russia itself.

Keywords: Russia, the USA, V.V. Putin, George W. Bush, Russian-US Relations, foreign policy, diplomacy.

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