O. Kiriakov, PhD student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2640.2018.138.4


The article is devoted to the foreign policy of the Boeotian League after the battle of Leuctra. The author focused on the main events of the military campaign 370-369 B.C. It was an important historical event because it is the first campaign when Spartan soldiers defended their native town. The study is based on a wide range of sources and historiography. The author also reconstructed the trial of Pelopidas and Epameinondas in Thebes. This trial reveals internal political struggle in the Boiotian League.

Keywords: The Boeotian League, the foreign policy, Sparta, Thebes, Agesilaus, Pelopidas, Epaminondas.

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