
Editorial Board


R. Ivashko, PhD student

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine



The author has analyzed the content of the bull of Pope Nicholas V of 1450, which is located in the Central Historical Archive in Lviv, in the article. It was found that the pope provided special conditions for Christians to conduct the Jubilee Year in the Kingdom of Poland. Pope Nicholas V had installed specific obligations regarding the celebration of it for the Polish king Casimir IV Jagiellon, his mother Queen Sophia, the papal collector Mykola Spichimir, etc. The Polish chronicler Jan Dlugosz left the information about the peculiarities of the jubilee celebrations in the Kingdom of Poland. Similar jubilee celebrations introduced by Pope Boniface VIII were celebrated for the sixth time in the Latin Church. The need for their conduct was further substantiated in the 14th century. The creation of the investigated document was due to the fact that the lands of Rus were vulnerable to constant attacks by the Tatars. The khan of the Great Horde Sa'id-Akhmat who with the Tatars subordinated to him had been made the raid on the Galician and Podolian lands in the autumn of 1450, directly caused to the creation of the bull. The mechanism of protection of the Eastern European borders by Сatholics was reflected in the content of the document.

Keywords: The Kingdom of Poland, the Jubilee year, the bull, Pope Nicholas V, Casimir IV Jagiellon, Tatar threat.

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