N. Danyliv, PhD student

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2640.2018.138.2


In this article the author analyzed the features of the US presidents' administrations policy in the issue of Jews emigration from the Soviet Union. The pre-election promises concerning the liberalization of the emigration legislation and the degree of their actual implementation are described. The internal and external factors that influenced at the decisions of the presidents and their administrations are determined. The strength of the American-Jewish lobby influence is considered. In particular, it is tolk about replacing the conservative principles of immigration policy on a much more democratic position. In foreign policy, support Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union had become one of the strategies of the Cold War. The influence of the American-Jewish lobby, prompted politicians to make weighty decisions was considered. The conclusions refer to the conditions that influenced on the formation and development of a specific policy.

Key words: presidential administration, Jewish emigration from USSR, cold war, Israel, US, international relations.

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