O. Trokhymenko, PhD in History, Junior Fesearch Fellow

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2640.2018.138.15


The artice is dedicated to interstates gifts as a specific way of developing of the international relations. It is emphasized, that such gifts have a symbolic meaning and demonstrate cultural traditions of the country of origin instead of their price. Main attention is paid to the practice of collecting, preserving and exposition of interstates presents, received by the officials in Germany and Ukraine. It is pointed out, that German Official couldn’t remain an owner of the received gift because of the corruption risk. German practice of the selling the gifts, received by the officials, through auction is characterized positive.

Key words: interstate gifts, collection of the state gifts, chancellor, Germany, the Fund of the Presidents of Ukraine (FPU).

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