
Editorial Board


A. Tron-Radomska, PhD student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The activity of the Ukrainian Central Committee in the General Government in the field of organization of camps for the fostering of youth is analyzed. The classification of varieties of camps and their structure, living conditions and sanitary requirements are presented. All the main educational directions of work in youth centers are considered. It is underlined that special attention of the camp program was paid to the sport and, in particular, traveling with hiking in the mountains and mapping. Competitions for the "Award for Physical Skillfulness" and sport tournaments regularly were held. The means of national-social education, based on Ukrainian studies, were discussions, lectures, firesides. Thanks to professional training, each participant got initial information from some areas of practical knowledge (agricultural education, building, care of patients, carpentry, chauffeur). Such work inspired confidence and respect from parents and western Ukrainian youth. It is mentioned about the use of typical army attributes and forms of organization for camps: marching, lifting the flag, reporting and discipline. Opinion that it was a continuation of the plast camps traditions is substantiated. The chain of youth camps of the Ukrainian Central Committee, which covered all Ukrainian ethnographic territory of the General Government, is illustrated. The focus is on the organization's distinctive features compared to the Polish children's camps of this period.

Key words: Ukrainian Central Committee, camp, General Government, sport, fostering.

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