
Editorial Board


I. Avtushenko, PhD in History, Associate Professor

National Transport University, Kyiv, Ukraine



The level and conditions of medical and health resort support for retired servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their families members from 1991 to 2011 are analyzed in the article on the basis of archival sources and publications. Insufficient budget financing of the medical and sanatorium and resort establishments of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine negatively affected the treatment’s quality of the dismissed or retired servicemen and their families members. In order to improve this problem in military hospitals introduced paid services for the civilian population, and the proceeds went to the needs of the military medical industry. Statistical analysis showed that annually stationary treatment in polyclinics and hospitals of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was held by more than 30 thousand veterans of military service and disabled people of war.

In the system of medical servicing of servicemen, one of the key roles is given to sanatorium and resort support. It is noted that the reduction in military sanatorium in the early 2000 s negatively affected the provision of sanatorium treatment for pensioners of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The distribution of sanatorium and resort vouches between different categories of dismissed servicemen was studied. The procedure for providing and the list of privileges granted to veterans of military service, deficiencies and problematic issues that aroused at that time regarding the medical and sanatorium and resort support of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine dismissed from military service and their families were determined.

Keywords: servicemen, medical support, sanatorium and resort support, hospital, polyclinic, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

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