
Editorial Board


I. Papa, PhD student

Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine



There were many travelers who had crossed Eastern Europe in the early 18th century. They portrayed not only the natural landscapes or everyday life of the locals, but also their religious culture, which impressed them with its distinctive and original peculiarities. The travel diary of Danish ambassador Just Juel, who managed a diplomatic mission at the Russian royal court from 1709 to 1711, is a representative pattern of the early modern travel literature. Mainly this Danish diplomat travelled around the Russian, Ukrainian and Polish territories and depicted it in details. In this article we focus our attention to his reflections on the Orthodox religious culture, since they reflected “Protestant view” of Orthodoxy at the beginning of the XVIII century. Moreover, these contacts of the Danish diplomat with another political and religious culture forced him to the manifestations of his "Protestant ethics" on the pages of his travel notes. The Weber’s concept in this historical context involves also moral and ethical qualities that Just Juel manifested as a typical representative of the Protestant religious culture in the 18th century.

Key words: Just Juel, Danish diplomatic mission (1709-1711), "Protestant ethics", Max Weber, religious culture, travel literature

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