
Editorial Board


O. Muzychko, Ph.D. in History

Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the process of researching the history of the Reformation in Odessa in late XIX – early XX century. Mainly focuses on the views of teachers of the Novorossiysk University O.O. Kotsubinsky, G.O. Afanas'ev, G.Yu. Wipper, V.E. Krusman, E.M. Schepkin, K.O. Kuznetsov et al. On the one hand, their scientific activity, which is reflected in their articles and books in which the

Reformation is seen in the General context of European history of the middle ages and randomizing time, or specifically as one of the Central phenomena in the history of Europe, is studied. Seen as the researches of R. Y. Wipper, one of the classics of the study of Calvinism, and O.O. Kotsubinsky, who researched the reformation movement in the Czech Republic., were particularly valuable. On the other hand, the topic of the Reformation in the lecture courses of teachers, student works on the theme of the Reformation were referred . Among of Odessa historians out the University there were S. Avaliani and S. Dubnov, who studied the Reformation. Odessa historians have studied how the background of the reformation, were deepened in the distant 16th century and the main stage of the reformation – the 16th – first half 17th century. The study covered not only Western but also Central and Eastern Europe. So, having a large number of faithful reformed churches among the population, Odessa belonged to one of the most important centers of study of the Reformation.

Keywords: Reformation, Odessa, Novorossiysk University, historians, historiography.

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