
Editorial Board


L. Mohylnyi, Doctor of History, Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article analyzes the life path and socio-political views of the famous Ukrainian writer and public figure Liudmyla Starytska-Cherniakhivska. The causes and particularities of her cultural-educational and socio-political activities from the end of the nineteenth century to her arrest in connection with the trial of the Union of Liberation of Ukraine related to the conscious manifestations of the national position in various life situations have been explored. L. Starytska-Cherniakhivska from a young age joined the movement of Ukrainiphiles. She became an active participant in various cultural and public associations, which significantly contributed to the defense of Ukrainian national interests in the field of education, culture, publishing of newspapers, magazines, books, and the introduction of the latest works of Ukrainian writers to the general public. During the First World War, L. Starytska-Cherniakhivska helped Ukrainians as a nurse in the hospital, a messenger from the Ukrainians of the Dnieper to the Galician, who had been deported to Siberia, actively participated in the organization of shelters for refugees and others.

The socio-political and selected cultural and educational activities of L. Starytska-Chernyakhivska have been considered, her public work in 1920’s has been highlighted, the particularities of the trial, conviction and her further fate have been revealed. Liudmila Starytska-Cherniakhivska's activities became one of the manifestations of political illiteracy and uncertainty of Ukrainian politicians and intelligentsia in pursuing a consistent national policy and protecting Ukrainian interests.

Key words: Starytska-Cherniakhivska Liudmyla, TUP, Ukrainian Central Rada, Brotherhood of Ukrainian State, Union of Liberation of Ukraine.

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