
Editorial Board


B. Koval, student

Ukrainian Adventist Theological Institute, Bucha, Ukraine



The article deals with the development of theological eschatological constructs of the millerite movement, which was widespread in America in the 30's and 40's of the nineteenth century. Millerites based on the harmonious system of biblical references preaching "The Second Coming of Christ around 1843". The article contains an analysis of the views of William Miller, the founder of this movement, and its subsequent development and substantiation by his numerous followers, also consider the reasons for the success of the milliere movement. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics of the development of millerite views in 1843-1844, during the peak of eschatological expectations, and the need for a theological interpretation of the "delay of the Second Coming". Also, the study shows the fate of the Millerite movement after 1844 and analyzes variants of the theological comprehension of the "Great Disappointment" experience. The main purpose of the article is to answer the question of the transformation of the eschatology of millerites, which had to go back to the past as a theological incident, was adequately reanimate to the further doctrinal use by the future founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as well as to show that the particularities of the doctrine of certain denominations due to their the emergence of millerism, is not exotic distortions of Christianity, but rather one of the original and logical ways of developing the Protestant theological thought.

Key words: millerite movement, William Miller, Joshua V. Himes, Josiah Litch, "Great Disappointment", Seventh-day Adventists.

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