
Editorial Board


O. Yashchuk, student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article is devoted to the problem of representations of supreme power in the Belarusian-Lithuanian chronicles through a prism of the ruler’s titles. The author analyzed the first code of the Belarusian-Lithuanian chronicles, that containing the "Chronicler of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania", the second code, that containing the "Chronicle of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania", and the third code ("The Chronicle of BichovetsThe Bychowiec Chronicle"). It was found that for the analyzed period there is no established standardized formula for the ruler's titles. However, in the study of the structure of titles found that the most stable formulation of the title in all code of the Belarusian-Lithuanian chronicles is the title "Grand Duke". It is revealed that the system of representations of supreme power changes after coronation. Investigated the use of the title "hospodar", "pan" and "hospodyn" in the Belarusian-Lithuanian chronicles. Investigated the use of the title "kniazha" which at the same time is the designation of the son of the ruler and representatives of the supreme aristocracy of princely descent.

Keywords: idea, supreme authority, title, grand duke, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Belarusian-Lithuanian chronicles.

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