
Editorial Board


O. Shyshko, PhD in History, Associate professor.

Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine



The article analyses the policies of communist authorities towards bourgeoisie in 1920, basing on the wide range of sources, including the archives of SBU and periodicals. According to the Bolshevik doctrine, bourgeoisie had to be liquidated as a class, and its existence was incompatible with social manufacturing. That was the strategic goal, and the tactical measure was the campaign of extraction of the surplus from bourgeoisie and ban on free trade. Also bourgeoisie was accused of the essential goods and foreign currency speculation. Those, who tried to resist the policies and were accused of speculations and forgery were oppressed and terrorized, their property confiscated, and they incarcerated in concentration camps or exterminated. By implementing the terror policies, the authorities pursued the goal of turning bourgeoisie into working class and making them join the building of the communist regime. At the same time, the authorities controversially attempted to nationalize the manufacture enterprises. These policies resulted in a deep economic crisis, which led to paralysis of the economy and significant decrease of the living standard of the whole population, disregarding the class.

Keywords: bourgeoisie, terror, speculation, surplus, nationalization.

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