
Editorial Board


O. Rudenko, student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece



The article is dedicated to the analysis of the main methods of political struggle in Late Roman republic based on Dio Cassius’ Kokkeianos “Roman history”. The change of the main principles of political activitis in late Republic are often considered by historicians to be one of the reasons of for the decline of the republican system. At this time along with legal traditional methods of political struggle are actively used also both illegal methods and political practices, various manipulations to influence people. Information by Dio Cassius is an object of outstanding scientific value, especially actual for Ukrainian historicians of antique world due to some existing problems with translation of a number of books by this author. Here are classified the most common methods, that existed in Roman political life, the problem of using of religious practices in somebody’s own interests is shown in detail.

In addition, the examples of both unsuccessful and successful attempts of using force at the Roman Forum, secret conspiracies and the main consequences of such actions are shown, it is mentioned about the sacredness of Roman magistrate. Apart it is also noticed about the method of obstruction that was increasingly used by Roman politics and orators. It is made an attempt to charachterize all those methods of political influences, that were not prohibited de jure, at the same time they could counter the established practices or the traditions of roman society. An attention is focused on the positions of Clodius on the beginning of his career.

Keywords: Dio Cassius, political struggle, the Roman republic, political practices.

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