
Editorial Board


Peleshko A., PhD in History

Chernukhin Ye., PhD in Prilology

Institute of History of Ukraine National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine




The purpose of the article is to examine the contribution of the Greek Orthodox Church to the Greeks’ struggle against Turkish domination. Main attention is paid to the role of the Orthodox priesthood in the Greek Enlightment, which had formed a background of the revolution 1821. The activity of the Filiki Eteria organization, which had been founded in Odessa, its connection with Orthodox clergy and its main role in anti-Turkish rebellion are analyzed in the article. Also the historiography discussions about controversial images of Patriarch Gregory V and Metropolitan Germanos are revised. The authors clearly show that the negative images of those persons were formed in publications of leftist historians. For example, Patriarch Gregory V despite his contacts with Filiki Eteria had been obliged to demonstrate loyalty to Turks in public because of his responsibility for all the Christian community in Ottoman Empire. Likewise, it would be a mistake to consider Metropolitan Germanos as an enemy of the Greek Revolution. He had been insisted on necessity to wait propitious internal and external conditions for the Revolution, and all his activity was aimed on the consolidation of the different groups of the rebellers.

Keywords: Greek Revolution, Orthodox Church, Filiki Eteria, Patriarch Gregory V, Metropolitan Germanos.

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