
Editorial Board


B. Zatovskyi, Ph.D student

Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.



The assessment of the Reformation in Europe is analyzed in the article based on the materials of the journal «Bogoslovskij vestnik». The position of the journalists of «Bogoslovskij vestnik», concerning the history of emergence and development of the Protestantism, Anglicanism, and Calvinism, is studied. The characteristic features of the basic trends of the research of the Reformation movement history as well as the viewpoints of the editorial board on the influence of the Reformation on the development of Europe are also presented in the article. A special attention is paid to the questions, which are considered by the journalists to have positive or negative effect on the history of the Reformation. The form of presenting the events of the Reformation for Russian readers and forming the public opinion among the citizens concerning the religious life in the countries of Europe is studied. The historiography of the history of the Reformation is analyzed in the article. The summaries of the journalists of the journal on the works of Russian researchers on the studies of the history of the Protestantism, Anglicanism, and Calvinism are characterized in the article. It is analyzed how centrifugal force and centripetal force influenced the further development of the Protestantism in Germany. The assessment of the relationships between the members of the Orthodox Church and the Protestants made by the authors of the article is presented in the given paper. The correspondence of the patriarch of Constantinople, Jeremias II with the citizens of Thuringia is studied. A special attention is also paid to the question how the editorial board of the journal described emergence and development of Episcopal Church of England.

The assessment of the journal «Bogoslovskij vestnik» concerning the question of secularizing of Monastery property in England is conducted. The position of the editorial staff of the journal concerning Calvinism and the influence of its ideology on the life of citizens of Geneva and Boerens at the end of 19th century – the beginning of the 20th century. The methodological base of the research contains the historical method, systematic approach, objectivity and content analysis method. The works of European researches of the Reformation were popular among Russian scientists. Their monographs influenced the formation of the approaches of the authors to understanding of the essence of the Reformation.

As a result, it is estimated that the journalists of «Bogoslovskij vestnik» were interested in describing the history of the Reformation in the countries of Europe. A great attention is paid to the research of the source base of the history of the Reformation.

Keywords: Reformation, journal, Protestantism, аnglicanism, сalvinism, catholicism, boer, monastery.

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