
Editorial Board


O. Levchuk Ph.D. student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The informational value of Kyiv newspapers of 1905-1914 for the studying of the legal status of burghers of different nationalities have been analysed. The influence of the newspapers ideological direction and publishers’ world outlook reference points on semantic filling of publications are outlined. The importance of the press, as the historical source for reconstruction of the political and public activity of the most numerous ethnic groups, illumination of the difficulties of social adaptation in the conditions of the international opposition and cooperation at the household and administrative levels is shown through the example of separate publications.

An attempt has been made to reproduce the difficulties faced by the researcher during the work with newspaper information caused by some certain content subjectivity, problems of the correct selection and ideological background. It is proved that Kyiv newspapers, being the mirror not only of the city administration’s national policy, but also the reflection of the main political life tendencies of various ethnic groups, their ideological reference points, life priorities, ethical standards and interpersonal relations, should take a leading place in studying the ethno-legal features of the city society life.

Keywords: ethnic group, legal status, daily occurrence, Kiev newspapers, historical source, publication.


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