
Editorial Board


A. Kosheliev, Ph.D. student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article discusses the development of the theory of the biographical research at the present stage of the existence of Ukrainian historical science. The works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars that developed and rethought the trends of writing biographies of scholaric and other prominent personalities during the last decades are analyzed. The author demonstrated the origins of the theoretical and methodological postulates of the biographical studies at the end of XX – beginning of XXI centuries. Main attention is paid to the research of two concepts of study of biography, which form separate strategies of its creation: "intellectual biography" and "biographical world." The article is focused on specificity and epistemological origins of each of these concepts, their theoretical basis and possibility of application in practical research. Also modern definition of "intellectual biography" and the algorithms of its use in the study of the biography of the scholars. In addition, the origins of the model "a biographical world", its relation with narrative psychology and narratives theory of historical research are shown. The theoretical advances that can be used in the study of human biography are considered. The article raised the question of the unification of both concepts in a research in order to complement the theoretical toolkit of the researcher to study the biography of the scholar.

Key words: intellectual biography, "biographical world," narrative psychology, map of personality


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