
Editorial Board


V. Stavnyuk, Doctor of History, Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The author discusses the role of the historian in the formulation of “responses” given to contemporary society by the uncertain “challenges” of a day. “The truth of the facts” and their possible interpretations indicate the problematic field, in which the activity of the professional historian develops.

This is particularly clear in the German historiography of the 19-th century, with its characteristic inclusion of scholars into the socio-political life of Germany, which then was coming to the unification. The aim of the appellation to historical experience in general and especially to the ancient civilization heritage was intended to add the arguments in the political debates and even the revolutionary struggle that widely spread at that time.

One of the most prominent examples is Theodor Mommsen's “Roman Story”. The work recognized as most significant by the Nobel Committee and awarded the author the title of laureate.

Key-words: Theodor Mommsen, Gelehrtenpolitik, garrison of distinguished historians, Römische Geschichte.


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