
Editorial Board


I. Radomskyi, Ph.D. student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper is devoted to the analysis of the flint industry and functional products of phase B/I Trypillian settlements in the Middle Dniester region. The results are compared to the flint production of the previous period of Trypillia A/II-A/III from the same region. The difference between the techniques of two consecutive periods is characterized by the increased width of blade blanks and complete rejection of the microlith points/microburin technique. The technique of biface manufacture (triangular arrowhead) used on flake blanks instead. Two types of inset to sickles that replaced one type inset of early Trypillia are distinguished. These features can be identified as the transition signs to the Trypillia B/I period (for the Middle Dniester region). Considering the significant difference between the two technologies of consecutive period of culture (early and the beginning of the middle) the question of the new techniques origin is raised. For the purpose of this problem the materials of neighboring cultures (of the region between Carpathians and Dnister, and steppe cultures of Ukraine), which is synchronous with periods Trypillia A/III-B/I, are used. As a result of the close contacts at the appointed time, between Trypillia culture and Gumelnita-Karanovo VI-Varna and Bolgrad-Alden cultures, adopting of the new techniques is seen not from the steppe cultures (contacts with which were unimportant), but from cultures of the Balkan-Danube-region.

Keywords: Trypillia culture, knapping technology, influence, Gumelnita-Karanovo VI-Varna, Bolgrad-Alden.


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