
Editorial Board


O. Mashevskyi, Doctor of History, Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article analyses the impact of the great powers’ combat for control over the Bosporus and the Dardanelles factor on the Black Sea policy of the former and upon the international relations in 1930s – early 1990s in general. The background, reasons, process and consequences of the Montreaux – 1936 regime of straits’ reconsideration have been reviewed. It is underlined that given the abovementioned redetermination, the Republic of Turkey basically restored its sovereignty over these strategically important hubs lost back in 1923 after the Lausanne conference. Such restoration in fact stood for legitimizing the Kemal government worldwide. The USSR succeeded in ameliorating the conditions of transit of vessels through the straits. However, these advantages have been completely neutralized by the further rapprochement of Turkey and the West. The pressure of the USSR over Ankara on the institution of control over the straits in postwar resulted in Turkey’s joining NATO in 1952. Although before Ankara was stuck to balancing between Moscow, on the one hand, and London and Washington, on the other. Regardless of further Turkish-Soviet slight détente, Moscow ceased to take steps in reconsidering the Montreux convention which is still in force today.

Key words: the Black Sea straits, Bosporus, the Dardanelles, Montreux.


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