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A. Lukashenko, PhD in History, Associate Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article reveal preconditions of formation of the state-concept "Moscow the Third Rome", and complete the analysis of works of Russian humanists on subject of location and meaning of the sovereign in the execution of the messianic role of the state in the frame of concept "Moscow – the Third Rome." Established contribution in the development of humanist thought these personalities: F. Karpov, F.Kuritsyn, I. Groznyj, A.Kurbskyj, I. Peresvjetov. Also established that humanists view was based on the principles of justice, order, which a person who rules often was due used unpopular violent methods to achieve control, but not tyranny. Messianic functions of King reproduce personality of God, which was seen in the Russian state as fair and penalty function. Established common and different between the Institute of emperor power in the Byzantine Empire and the Institute of emperor power in the territory of the Moscow State. On the territory of the Byzantine emperor figure never was infallible, only idolize the position, and only the activities of the person who rules was criticized. Self-will of the Emperor can not be expected also because of the Roman legal tradition, which became the basement of the Christian state. On the territory of the Russian government approved the same messianic understanding of the power of the sovereign, who actually became infallible and he rules discretion. In this article used several methods of research, exactly historical and chronological, retrospective, comparative method and method of analysis and synthesis.

Keywords: ideological debate, Russian humanism, "Moscow, the third Rome" sacred type of government, messianism.


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