
Editorial Board


P. Kotliarov, PhD in History

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



In this paper, we focused on the plan for the school of Eisleben (1525) by Philipp Melanchthon, which reveals the main trends of the Melanchthonian school reform in the early 16th century. We have outlined several important tasks set by Melanchthon to create a special educational space based on pietas and erudition. It is important also to clarify correlation between religious and Humanist elements in school plans and to highlight requirements for teachers in the newly founded schools.

As we have found out, religious studies were scheduled only for for Sunday. Students were not expected to pass any tests; they only had to listen to the teacher’s explications.

It was shown that, firstly, this school plan is essential for understanding of the young Melanchthon-humanist’s ideas, who renounced the former church school system and tried to restore inherent to school functions: to provide education and ethical upbringing. This is why the humanist take distance from theology – as from a Catholic one, so from a Lutheran.

Secondly, Melanchthon tried to protect school from theological disputes, which were inevitable in confessional heterogenic Germany. This is why it was important to separate school from church. Melanchthon envisaged a careful integration of the religious component in school plans. The humanist supposed that this reduced religious lessons were provide future politicians, officials, teachers and pastors with pietas alongside studia.

Melanchthon also assigned an important place to an individual approach to education and upbringing of students, which would take into consideration their psychophysical and intellectual peculiarities. In our opinion, it can be regarded as beginnings of the pedagogical psychology.

Key words: Philipp Melanchthon, school plan, education, Eisleben, the Reformation.


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