
Editorial Board


A. Demeshchuk, student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



In this article we analize a historical experience of self-declared Rebublic of Serbian Kraina, that appeared in 1991 on a territory of Croatia and was destroyed in 1995. The consideration goes on in context of Serbian-Croatian military opposition during Yugoslav crisis of 1990-es. The historical background of Serbian separatism and the course of Serbian secession from new independent Republic of Croatia are being analyzed there. We course such aspects of Republic of Serbian Kraina’s existence like state-political development, inner political struggle (special attention) and foreign affairs, social-economical domain, cultural and educational policy and military building. The history of military defeat of this self-declared republic from Croatia, causes and consequenses of it are also shortly described. On the basis of this material we make the conclusions about the experience of Croatian Serbs’ state building and about their main problems and contradictions. Serbian and Croatian scientifical literature, weakly known in Ukraine, was used during the writing of this article.

Key words: Serbia, Croatia, separatism, Kraina, Yugoslavia, Knin.


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