
Editorial Board


O. Volontyr, PhD student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine




The article studies the main trends in the development of vocational education in the Second Polish republic. The reasons that prompted the Polish government not to ignore this sphere and simultaneously start its reforming are considered. The peculiarities of the regulatory framework and regulatory acts on professional and technical education in the 1920s and 1930s were revealed. The structure, peculiarities of the functioning of specialized educational institutions, as well as the educational process, the main motives of teaching and the training of the teaching staff, are analyzed, respectively. The main content of the policy of the Polish government in Volyn of the interwar period regarding the vocational training is highlighted. The role of the educational reform of 1932 in the creation of an integrated system of vocational and technical education in the then Polish country was revealed. The place of the professional school in the educational system of the Second Polish republic has been clarified. The regional peculiarities and significance of professional education of cultural and educational development of local population are revealed. Areas of vocational education are highlighted and an attempt is made to study the direction of the content of the educational process in educational institutions of this type in the territory of the Volyn province.

Keywords: vocational education, the Second Polish republic, Volyn province.


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