
Editorial Board


I. Malatsay, PhD in History, Associate Professor,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The history of the Habsburg dynasty is an integral part of European history. Since the thirteenth century till the beginning of the twentieth century its representatives ruled the multinational empire. Despite of ups and downs, but we can not deny personal influence of the Dynasty's representatives on the development of nations, primarily in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Article investigates life and work of Rudolf I of Habsburg, the first representative of the house of Habsburg, who got the title of Holy Roman Emperor in 1273. The first Rudolph's priority was consolidating his own authority and influence among the German princes. In order to achieve the aim he had to come out the winner in a fight with another contender for the crown, the representative of the Czech dynasty of Prshemyslovychiv - Otakar II. Having reached the goal, the next thing to achieve was stopping civil wars and wars between German princes, not forgetting to expand his family ownership. We can't but say, that Rudolph was an outstanding person, but reject the fact of purposeful activity for the benefit of its own generation would be inappropriate. Turning to Rudolf's I personality, we can better understand the essence of one of the most powerful dynasties in Europe.

Keywords: dynasty of Habsburg, Rudolf I, Holy Roman Empire, Přemysl Otakar II, Austria, Styria, Carinthia.


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