
Editorial Board


Y. Soroka, Dr. habil. (History), Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



In this paper we are looking at the problem of Ukrainian's forced resettling from Czechoslovakia to Western Ukraine during the first after-war years. We bring under question sufficiency of research on this topic in the Ukrainian historiography. Based on primary sources we analyze and characterize the Soviet forced resettling of different nations in late 1940s. We also reveal the main drivers for such an immigration policy of the Totalitarian State in Ukraine, its course, peculiarities and tragic consequences for the people. The total quantity of Ukrainian and Czech migrants was found out. We described everyday life, social and economic conditions, psychological perception of migrants from Czechoslovakia to Western Ukraine based on their appeals to Soviet authorities to bring them back to Czech and Slovakia. It was only during the so-called Khrushchev's "The Thaw" ("Ottepel") at the beginning of 1960s that the part of forced migrant was ought to return to their homeland. In addition, it was important to us to outline several trends for the further research.

Key words: Ukrainians, Czechoslovakia, Western Ukraine, resettling, constraint, protests.


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