
Editorial Board


T. Pshenychnyi, PhD in History, Junior Research Fellow

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper is subjected to thorough analysis of the phenomenon of Ukrainian church space in the second half of the 16th century. We show how the church crisis has started in the Ukrainian lands and reveals socio-political and socio-cultural factors which triggered this crisis. In addition, we try to show how the international factor deepened it. We begin with analysis of how the political forces of the Rzeczpospolita tried to take a full control over the spiritual sphere of life of the Ukrainian people. Then we continue by showcase how Russian politicians together with the administration of the Russian Orthodox Church tried to do the very same thing. Caught in political and military machinery of these two different states priests and bishops of the Ukrainian church tried to build a model on their own of preserving their identity. In 1596 it resulted in the Union of Brest, which, on the one hand split Ukrainian society into two poles – the Orthodox and Uniates, and the other gave rise to serious reform Ukrainian church space. In general, we can conclude that the Union of Brest, despite the expectations and hopes of its organizers laid the beginning of a deep ideological confrontation among Ukrainian people. Union also resulted in serious cultural and political crisis. Supporters of the union have not received from Pope and Polish king protection of their rights and liberties. Religious conflicts became very difficult for the population. The polish politicians, the Catholic Church of Poland and Russians wanted to use Ukrainian crisis to implement his plans.

Keywords: church crisis, the Rzeczpospolita, the Uniate Church, the Orthodox Church, the Union of Brest.


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