
Editorial Board


N. Gorodnia, Dr. habil., Associate Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The paper studies the U.S. policy towards Ukraine during the Soviet Union disintegration, and the first months of Ukraine's independence. It also explores the factors that influenced the shaping of the policy, which is analyzed against a background of the U.S.-Soviet and the U.S.-Russian relations and fundamental tasks of the U.S policy in the period of a bipolar international system collapse. The research shows the George Bush's support of M. Gorbachov's reforms, including foundation of a new Union of Soviet Republics. It concludes that finally the U.S. made a choice between M. Gorbachov and B. Yeltsyn, who concentrated more power leverages, but not between the Soviet Union's unity and Ukraine's independence. Moreover, the administration foresaw a potential Russian-Ukrainian conflict and tried to avoid it. After the Soviet Union disintegration, G. Bush's administration strengthened relations with Russia, and limited its dialogue with Ukraine mostly due to the nuclear disarmament issues. The situation was determined by numerous and complex international challenges that American government had to address, and 1992 elections. Besides, the inconsistent policy of a young Ukrainian state, which faced serious security challenges and tried to keep leverages to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity, negatively affected its relations with the USA. In general, G. Bush's administration did not rank Ukraine high in its foreign policy agenda, unlike Russia. However, it understood Ukraine's key role in the future architecture of the post-Soviet area.

Key words: the United States, Ukraine, Russia, Soviet Union, George Bush's administration.

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