
Editorial Board


A. Rukkas, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



In spring 1920 with the assistance of Polish allies the Ukrainian People's Republic renewed its regular armed forces. An important role in this process was given to the establishment of military police bodies, namely the units of field gendarmerie that had to secure the order and ensure the appropriate level of discipline among soldiers. The proposed article deals with the formation of the first gendarmerie units in the Army of Ukrainian People's Republic, specific features of manning, professional training of future gendarmes and the conditions of their service both in the rear and the front.

Keywords: Ukrainian People's Republic, Army of Ukrainian People's Republic, Field Gendarmerie, military discipline, military police.

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1. Tsentralnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv vyschykh ohaniv vlady i upravlinnia Ukrainy, Kyiv, fond 1075, opys 2, sprava 4.

2. Ibid, fonf 1075, opys 2, sprava 58.

3. Ibid, fonf 1075, opys 2, sprava 61.

4. Ibid, fond 1075, opys 2, sprava 62.

5. Ibid, fond 1075, opys 2, sprava 73.

6. Ibid, fond 1075, opys 2, sprava 387.

7. Ibid, fond 1075, opys 2, sprava 426.

8. Ibid, fond 1075, opys 2, sprava 1078.

9. Ibid, fond 1075, opys 4, sprava 26.

10. Ibid, fond 1078, opys 2, sprava 91.

11. Ibid, fond 1078, opys 2, sprava 110.

12. Ibid, fond 1078, opys 2, sprava 113.

13. Ibid, fond 1078, opys 4, sprava 2.

14. Ibid, fond 1078, opys 4, sprava 8.

15. Ibid, fond 3172, opys 1, sprava 42.

16. Ibid, fond 3172, opys 1, sprava 52.

17. Ibid, fond 3172, opys 1, sprava 62.

18. Ibid, fond 3211, opys 1, sprava 4.

19. Ibid, fond 3211, opys 1, sprava 8.

20. Archiwum Instytutu Józefa Pilsudskiego, New York. Ukraińska misja wojskowa w Polsce, teka 2/2. Lyst nachalnyka Viiskovoi sektsii pry Dyplomatychnii misii UNR u Polschi henerala V. Zelinskoho nachalnyku polskoho Heneralnoho shtabu heneralu S. Halleru, 12.ІІІ.1920 r., № 397.

21. Ibid. Orhanizatsiia polovoi zhandarmerii.

22. CHABORYK, M. (1969) Na shliakhakh vyzvolnoi bototby. Dorohovkaz. 26 (45), 9-12.

23. KARPUS, Z. (1999) Wschodni sojusznicy Polski w wojnie 1920 roku. Oddziały wojskowe ukraińskie, rosyjskie, kozackie i białoruskie w Polsce w latach 1919 – 1920. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.