
Editorial Board


M. Paliienko, Dr. habil., Professor

Taras Shvechenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



In the article it is analyzed the problems of professional training of archivists in terms of the information society's development in Ukraine and in the world. It is noted that significant changes in the social, political, cultural, informational and communicational environment during the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries caused the necessity of reconsideration and renewal of the theoretical concepts and methodological tools of Archival Science, professional activities of archivists and the concept of archival education. It is also outlined two main vectors of the archivists and records managers' professional training in the Ukrainian universities: on the basis of Departments of History and in the structure of Departments of Communication. The main tendencies of the modernization of archival education in the world as well as the problems of adaptation of archival curriculum to the needs of information society were identified. It was stressed that the new model of professional education should be built on an interdisciplinary basis and should organically combine, on the one hand, training of archivists – keepers of the collective memory, the world historical and cultural heritage, and on the other hand – records managers that could be able to provide record-creating process and work with documents during their life cycle, adopting to the new informational challenges. In the paper, we stressed that reformation of the archival education system in Ukraine can be implemented only on the ground of expanded dialogue and interaction between archival scientists, professional archivists and university professors. Archival education programs should include a wide range of historical, jurisprudential and informational disciplines. Responding to the contemporary needs it is also important to integrate more practical aspects into educational process. Ultimately, it was emphasized the importance of scientific research, students' and educators' international mobility for integration the Ukrainian archival education and archivists into the European and world professional community.

Key words: archives, archivists, Archival Science, archival education, modernization, information society.

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