
Editorial Board


M. Sribnyak, stud.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article tells about the manual of Ivan Kotlyarevsky Dramatic Organization in the camp of Ukrainian prisoners of war in the camp Freistadt (Austria-Hungary) during the First World War. The manual consists of XII sections that are divided into 43 paragraphs/sections. This document describes the regulations in organization, especially office elections, responsibilities of valid and cooperate members, the conduction of drama plays and the contribution. Union for the Liberation of Ukraine played an important role in Dramatic Organization. Initially it gave a material assistance in theatrical sphere, for example the organization of spectacles, preference of literature, scenery and stage property. Prisoners of war who participated in dramatic plays had better life conditions among other prisoners. For instance, they could leave the camp for a while according to the permission; enjoy theoretical literature in the library and could be free from the forced labor in accordance with a participation in performances. A membership was given with the recommendation of two valid members. If person was elected by Council of organization, he would have to follow the manual, take part in drama plays and pay a contribution. A list of administration office of Ivan Kotlyarevsky Dramatic Organization consisted of head, the first and second alternates, clerk, property administrator, paymaster, "vporyadnyk", delegate of Educational Department, director of plays, administrators of wardrobe, stage property and canteen. The Council of organization and collective congregation assigned their duties and discussed administrative and artistic problems. The manual of Ivan Kotlyarevsky Dramatic Organization shows a very important part of life of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Austria-Hungary. It helps to do a profound scientific research of cultural and art activity of Ukrainians during the First World War.

Keywords: dramatic society, prisoners, theater, camp, Freistadt.

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