
Editorial Board


I. Patryliak, Doctor of History, Professor,

O. Liapina, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Кyiv, Ukraine



The document selection proposed to readers is a biweekly Reports by Second Department of the People's Commissariat of State Security – the Ministry of State Security of the USSR for 1946 about mopping-up operation against the so-called hostile elements in Ukraine. In 2009 the materials were declassified by the Security Service of Ukraine and kept in the department archive. The publication contains 24 documents with almost identical structure. Each document consists of list of districts (with mentioned quantity of arrested during two weeks on district area), registry with provided statistic regarding "criminal" categories (Ukrainian rebels movement participants, enemy agencies, bourgeois party participants etc.) and summary paragraph with information about detected organized groups with special attention on the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists secret structure and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army subunits disclosure. Research of the published documents indicate that during 1946 Second Department PCSS-MSS (People's commissariat of state security – ministry of state security) arrested 21 756 people in Ukraine. More than 53% of prisoners came from the territories annexed by USSR between 1939 and 1945, more than 45% of detainees were accused of involvement in illegality Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists or units of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, more than 42% of detainees were charged a collaboration with the Germans, Romanians and Hungarians during the Second World War. More than 54% of arrests occurred in the first four months in 1946, when the extensive operations, known as "Big blockade", were carried out against the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Ukrainian Insurgent Army in the western regions of Ukraine.

Keywords: the People's Commissariat of State Security, the Ministry of State Security, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, report, mopping-up, district.

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