
Editorial Board


A. Kosheliev, Master student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



Article says about process of the development theory historical narrative during second half XX – XXI centuries. Attention is paid on questions of the connection between the historical narrative and past reality and on the influence subject-objective attitude in the process demonstration of the historian's research results. Article concerns the transformation of the perception by theoreticians of history the connection between texts and the past reality. Research of the theory of historical narrative begins with a review of vision in the analytic tradition the connection between historical text and the past, what he researches. Emphasize on the logical-deductive element of formation the historical research results, considering the specific of perception the problem by analytics. Building on the achievements of analytical philosophy of history article says about the postmodern narrative theory of history, which was formed by H. White. Research of this theory based on connection with analytic tradition; traces the common roots of both directions and difference between them. Attention is paid on the poetic element of the historical narrative.

Key words: historical narrative, theory, postmodern, metaphor, analytical theory of history

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