
Editorial Board


A. Boiko, Master student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The question of European integration of Turkish Republic is considered as one of the central issues in the sphere of the history of international relations. The origins of this problem should be sought in the processes that have shaped the modern Turkish state, that being the rule of the first President of the Republic. With the government headed by R. Erdogan taking a grip of power in 2002, Turkey has fully revised its foreign policy. In particular, it intensified efforts to integrate the state to the EU. However, these intentions could not be realized due to a number of reasons. The article considers cultural-civilization influence on the formation of the foreign policy of Turkish Republic in the sphere of European integration, formation and evolution of the views of the Turkish government on the idea of state "Westernization". It devotes main attention to the views of Ahmet Davutoglu and his strategy of Turkish foreign policy. The article also researches his views on the influence of the eastern cultural and civilizational values and religion on the international position of the Eastern countries and, in particular, on their relations with European countries. Moreover, the research provides an attempt to analyze the cultural-civilizational differences as a factor of preventing Turkey from entering the European Union.

Key words: Republic of Turkey, the European Union, European integration, Ahmet Davutoglu, Justice and Development Party.

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