
Editorial Board


A. Trubchyk, applicant

Institute of History National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus



The article is devoted to the study of the Polish authorities on the occupied Belarusian territory. The problem of the Eastern border has been the scene of political discussion among the Polish delegation at the Paris peace conference. The rivalry between federates and incorporate appeared in the Polish Legislative regulations of the Sejm, vdelstatus in public discourse and in the pages of the contemporary press. Announced opportunity of language choice demonstrated the desire of federalization. Until the end of October 1919 Poland hasn't financed school education, that worsened education department. It gave an opportunity to school supervisors to follow their political ideas. There was a struggle between officials who supported the federalization idea and followers of incorporation of Belarusian territory into Poland. Fast school increase took place in Vilnya and Brest regions. Polish social organizations financed schools, there was teacher training for Belarusian land in Polish seminaries. Belarusian education got opportunity to development only in Minsk region.

Key words: school education, educational policy, Civil administration of eastern territory, department of education and social care, school supervisor.

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