А. Parfeniuk, Master's Student
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-2640.2022.154-155.7
The article deals with the political, social and economic processes in the Slovak Republic during the rule of the Movement for Democratic Slovakia led by Vladimír Mečiar. He served as Prime Minister from 1992 to 1998 (with a short break in 1994). The years of his premiership are of particular scientific interest due to the form of policy he pursued. This period is also interesting because it was the time when the basic foundations of the independent Slovak Republic were being formed. The main institutions of power were formed and transformed.
Special attention was paid to the sharp internal political struggle between the ruling party and the opposition. The opposition included both right and left parties, as well as the President of Slovakia and his entourage. The authorities often used cruel, provocative and unconstitutional methods of struggle against them.
The article reveals the essence of the political regime of "mečiarizmus" with its main features and characteristics, including: abuse of power, chieftaincy, persecution, disregard for the law and cases of violation of the Constitution. A generalized political portrait of Vladimir Mečiar a charismatic politician with authoritarian tendencies is presented. He pursued populist rhetoric and a rather tough policy on the verge of democracy and authoritarianism. The features of the formation of the independent Slovak Republic in the foreign policy context are considered. It is established that at that time the foreign policy course of Slovakia's integration into Euro-Atlantic structures was officially declared. But in reality, there was a rapprochement with russia and a departure from Europe.
The Slovak experience can be useful in identifying the characteristics and overthrowing the regimes of "soft authoritarianism", which pose a threat to democratic countries, especially in the Central and Eastern European region, which due to its past is quite vulnerable to political manipulation.
Keywords: "mečiarizmus ", social policy, economy, V. Mečiar's government.
Submitted: 30.12.2022
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