
Editorial Board


О. Оliinyk,

PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher,

State Institution "Institute of World History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0002-0083-9960




The article is devoted to the study of the socio-economic development of China from the beginning of the country’s formation to the present. Thus, the historical prerequisites for the formation of the concept of building socialism with "Chinese specificity" were clarified. The basic principles of public administration in China have been established. The definition of the historical stages of the country’s development from the beginning of its formation to the present with a description of the main historical events and the formulation of their characteristic features. Studying the reasons for the transition to the policy of reforms and openness, its content and implementation results. The role of the architect of Chinese reforms – Deng Xiaoping – is considered. The importance of education, science and innovation in the development of the country has been proven. The impact of reforms on Chinese society was monitored and the quality of changes in the lives of Chinese people was assessed. The future prospects of implementing the policy of reforms and openness are analyzed.

Keywords: socialism with Chinese characteristics, reforms and openness, science, education, innovation.

Submitted: 14.07.2022

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