
Editorial Board


N. Kravchenko,

PhD Stud.,

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

ORCID: 0000-0001-9739-4859



The article analyzes bird hunting in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the light of such sources as treatises and diaries; some of them have also left their impression on the history of literature. Depending on their subject, hunting as such or merely bird hunting (as its branch) are represented completely or fragmentarily in these sources. Owing to hunting treatises as the main source in the context of this study, it is possible to reconstruct the technical level of development in this area at the time mentioned. These sources are relevant in terms of researching the knowledge about avifauna of the time, habits of its representatives, behavior, breeding season (during that period it was recommended to limit hunting). The latter is a manifestation of a pragmatic attitude to this resource, awareness of its value, which can also be interpreted as a primary manifestation of environmental awareness. A small number of the analyzed sources relate to the Ukrainian lands in particular. However, due to the similarity of landscapes and the conservatism of hunting practices, Polish examples can sometimes be illustrative.

In the memoirs of this period hunting is represented from a different angle than that of the treatises – as part of everyday life at that time. Given that hunting chase was considered the best way for elites to hunt as a form of military training, bird hunting was inconspicuous. It was often a craft of poor servants, so it is visible in diaries from another angle – as a source of new gastronomic experiences. Most often we are talking about baked partridges and blackbirds, capercaillie, bustard, quail, etc.; the use of smaller birds is known mainly due to rare mentions. In the diaries, dedicated to the diplomatic missions to other countries and diplomatic receptions, the birds of prey, along with expensive sable furs can often be found in the lists of prestigious gifts. A spin-off manifestation of the popularity of hunting was the emergence of hunting sayings.

Keywords: narrative sources, hunting, shooting, birds, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 16th – 17th centuries.

Submitted: 12.03.2022

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