
Editorial Board


А. Ivanets,

PhD in History, leading researcher,

branch “The Holodomor Research Institute” of the National Museum of the Holodomor Genocide

ORCID: 0000-0001-7167-8183



The article examines the cooperation of the artist, co-organizer of the Union of Creative Intelligentsia and Museum Affairs in Kharkiv Borys Poray-Koshyts (1886–1964) with the authorities of the USSR during the mass artificial famine of 1921–1923 in creating charitable stamps to help the starving and children affected from hunger. The artist, despite his "socially alien" origins and his stay in the Cheka prison in 1920, participated in the creation of sketches for the Central Commission for Aid to the Hungry at the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee in 1922. The article proves that he is the author of a postage-charity stamp with a portrait of Taras Shevchenko (denomination "20 + 20 karbovantsiv"), which some researchers attributed to another artist. Like the whole series, it combines Art Nouveau style and national flavor, is an interesting example of Ukrainian artistic industrial graphics of the early twentieth century. The stamps of this series have a high artistic level in general and in comparison with other similar postage stamps issued to help the starving in the RSFSR and the Azerbadjan SSR, in particular. B. Poray-Koshyts contributed to the appearance of the series "Helping the Hungry" not only as the author of the sketch of the stamp, but also as an expert of the All-Ukrainian State Trade Office on Exports and Imports, who in 1922 participated in the selection of drawings for it. Analysis of the documents of the Central Commission for Combating the Consequences of Hunger at the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee suggests that B. Poray-Koshyts is also the author of a series of four charity stamps "Help the Child" with denominations of 1, 3, 5 and 10 rubles issued in Kharkiv in 1923. The artist developed their sketches in the conditions of creation of the hypercentralized state of the imperial type of the USSR that was reflected in the design of sketchs. Despite compromises with the ruling communist regime in the 1920s and 1930s, B. Poraj-Koshyts emigrated from occupied Kharkiv to Germany in the 1940s.

Keywords: Poray-Koshyts, postage and charitable stamps of the USSR "Help the Hungry", the first stamps of the Ukrainian SSR, charitable stamps "Help the Child", mass artificial famine of 1921–1923, Central Commission for Combating the Consequences of Hunger at the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee.

Submitted: 25.01.2022

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