Issue 142 (2019)

V. Pavlenko, PhD in History, Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The process of the establishment and development of the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons regime is analyzed in the article. The author divides this process into three periods: 1) 1945-1968 – time, when all attempts to halt or slow down the proliferation process had been futile; 2) 1968-1995 – the period of the establishment and functioning of the basic principles of non-proliferation regime as a result of the conclusion of the “Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” of the 1st of July, 1968; 3) from 1995 – until nowadays, when the new threats and risks for te regime appeared. The author pais attention to the division of the states to “nuclear” and “non-nuclear” states by the Non-Proliferation Treaty after 1995, when it was prolonged to indefinite term. In author’s opinion, such measures further world security and make positive changes in international relations.

The author considered the Summary Document, which became a result of few security conferences. The Summary Document names the states, that are not the members of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and contains an appeal to India, Israel and Pakistan to join the Treaty as non-nuclear states. 8th conference was being held from 3rd to 28th May, 2010. Summary of this conference contain 64 recommendations, that should have been implemented by 2015 – negligible, but still positive result.

The author claims, that NPT, despite its some weaknesses, without exaggeration became the most universal international treaty. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – is the only international organization serving the peaceful usage of nuclear energy. Yet, this organization is not able to give a political evaluation of the activity of any state. The author is concerned of the modern condition of the non-proliferation regime and insists to find ways for the conclusion of new international agreements.

Keywords: non-prliferation, nuclear weapons, NPT, international regime, disarmament, security.

Received by the editorial board: 11.08.2019

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