
Editorial Board


S. Humennyi, PhD student

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The author of the article tracks the cases of illegal migration of the peasants, churchmen and workers from the territory of the Ukrainian SSR to the Poland during the Holodomor of 1932–1933 with the analysis of historiography, scientific publications and archived materials stored in the archives of Ukraine and abroad. The reasons of the sharp increase of the number of attempts of illegal migration from the USSR through the western border are analyzed on the cases of illegal migration in conditions of strengthening protection regime of the state border and the resistance of peasantry of Shepetivka district, which was in the direct proximity of the neighboring state. The author focuses on the social committees, which connected active politically element of the Ukrainian national society Tarnopolsky (in particular, Borshchiv, Chortkiv and Skalat powiats) and Volyn voivodeships of the Poland to help the starving and the refugees from the territory of the USSR. The measures taken by the Ukrainian Public Committee of the Rescue of Ukraine to gather information on the economic, political and grocery situations of the population of the USRR are analyzed. The article introduces to the scientific circulation the samples of the documentation of public committees that were used to obtain information from illegal migrants and for the building of the evidence base on the issue of the artificial nature of the famine in the Ukrainian SRR. Separately considered the possibility of making funds for permission to exit of Soviet citizens, who were in kinship with the residents of the Republic of Poland, to prevent the deportation of illegal migrants to the USSR border.

Keywords: Ukrainian peasantry, collectivization, illegal migration, resistance, Holodomor of 1932–1933, the Ukrainian Public Committee of the Rescue of Ukraine.


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