
Editorial Board


V. Tsivatyi, PhD in History, Associate Prof.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The main directions of foreign policy and the peculiarities of the formation of models of Ukrainian state and diplomatic services during the period of national ascension (1917-1920) are analyzed in the article. Particular attention is paid to the institutional development, achievements, problems and prospects of the state and diplomatic services in the context of the European development of the studied period. Its diplomacy was different of active, perseverance, dedication, held effective positions on important regional and international issues. The author shows that the analysis of the main issues of the evolution of the main directions of foreign policy and diplomatic activity of Ukraine enables a deeper understanding common to most the formation of foreign policy, diplomacy and making foreign policy decisions in this area.

The development and establishment of the states in the XX century requires studying and generalizing the acquired experience. In most states, democratization was followed by very difficult and dramatic processes of rational and bureaucratic modernization of the state and consolidation of the nation. An effective way to solve the numerous contradictions and paradoxes might be the application of the theory of historical institutionalism, which focuses on the chronological sequence of transformations, as well as on the regional and institutional consequences of differences in social and political ways of development.

Keywords: foreign policy, diplomacy, institutionalization, political development, Europe, Ukraine.


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