
Editorial Board


A. Sydorenko, student, master degree.

Taras Shevchenko National Universuty of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine



The autor has explored the creation of the Ukrainian Military Scientific Society in Prague and determined the structure and tasks of the Society. The main aspects of its activity (lectures, publishing) have been considered. The basic topics of the courses of the Society and the peculiarities of their publication have been established.mIssues of financial support of the Ukrainian Military Scientic Society are revealed. The author elucidates the peculiarities of the relations of the Ukrainian Military Scientic Society with other Ukrainian emigration organizations (the Ukrainian Military Historical Society, the Ukrainian Archery Community, the Society of the Armed Forces of the UNR in Czechoslovakia, the Zaporozhian Association, the Ukrainian National Association in the USA, etc.), and their participation in material assistance to the Company, publication of materials of its members. The direct role of M. Omelyanovych-Pavlenko as the head of the Ukrainian Military Scientic Society has been highlighted. The participation of the Society in the activities of the military and scientific direction of Ukrainian emigration (Academy dedicated to the memory of Colonel-General M. Yunakov, Academy of the 15th anniversary of the Ukrainian Army, the 2nd Ukrainian Scientic Congress) is considered. The peculiarities of the interaction between the Ukrainian and Don Cossack generals, which formed the leading core of the Ukrainian Military Scientic Society and their political component hve been revealed. The reasons for the gradual cessation of the work of the Society have been identified, but the author has pointed out the attempts to revive it. The value of the Ukrainian Military-Scientic Society in Prague for the activity of Ukrainian emigration of the interwar period as a whole, and the development of military-scientic thought in particular has been ascertained in the article.

Keywords: Ukrainian Military Scientific Society, M. Omelyanovych-Pavlenko, Ukrainian emigration, Prague, military science activity.


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