
Editorial Board


V. Shevchenko, PhD student, Junior Research Fellow

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine

National Museum of History of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



The publication aims to open to the public epistolary and documentary source for the history of the Ukrainian government in exile in the field of diplomacy and international cooperation. Symon Petliura as Chairman of the Directory of the UNR in his letter to Mykola Yunakiv dated August 28, 1922, reveals the general geopolitical situation in Europe, the Near East and the Caucasus. All important events are described in a letter from these regions he brings to the Ukrainian centered denominator, trying to find a positive exit to "Ukrainian question" among the international community and with the help of a number of factors that have developed at that time in the surrounding lands to Ukraine. Head of the Directory informs the Minister of War on December about the backstage game during the Genoa and Hague conferences expressed himself assumptions about the opportunities opening anti-Bolshevik front in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Key words: diplomacy, Ukrainian National Republik, internationals conferences, Symon Petliura, Bolsheviks, Mustafa Kemal, Ismail Enver Pasha.


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